Posted in Student Work

4th Grade Rhythm Compositions

Recently, the 4th grade completed a Rhythm composition based on the 3+1 formula, a common pattern found in music.  We began the project by listening to Symphony no. 94 by Haydn, also know as the Surprise Symphony.  The students found that Haydn repeated one rhythm three times,and then followed it by a new rhythm, hence the 3+1 formula.  With a partner the students created their own 3+1 rhythm and then performed it on instruments.  Here are the results:

Room 213

Room 206

I don’t know why but this one you have to click on the link below:


Room 207:

Posted in Student Work

Theme and Variations Compositions

Way back in November the 4th and 5th grade classes created Theme and Variation compositions.  First they listened to an example by the composer Aaron Copland titled, Variations on Simple Gifts.  Each class then discussed what kind of variations Copland created and how.  Then as a  class they voted on what simple recorder tune they would like to be their theme.  After reviewing the theme the students split into groups and created a variation.  Next we put it all together and voila, we have a large Theme and Variation composition.  Here are the results.

Room 215:

Room 208:

Room 206:

Room 209:


Room 207:
