Posted in General, Student Work

The End of Another Musical Year!

The month of June has been quite busy for Pine Glen musicians.  Our third graders completed there Recorder Unit and performed a wonderful concert.  In addition, the third grade put on our first Violin Concert after the first year of our pilot Strings Program.  recorder concert

We also did many end of the year activities in class.  All first, second, and third graders created songbooks of the songs that they learned this year in class.  The first page of their songbook is a “Musical Memories” sheet, highlighting some of their favorite moments in class.

Student’s also had an opportunity in grades 2 through 5 to perform in a “Showcase” during class.  This was basically a talent show, and an opportunity for students to share their hidden talents with their friends.  Acts included singing, dancing, magic tricks, stand up comedy, and theatrical plays!  Here is a video of Maeve playing the accordion!

The Fifth Graders had a wonderful Moving Up Ceremony this morning, which marks the last performance of the year.  Congratulations to all the Fifth Graders, and good luck in Middle School!  We will miss you!

Meanwhile, our Fourth graders have been working on preparing music for the Heroes Assembly in September.  A musicians work is never done!

It’s been a great year and I”m looking forward to the next.  Everyone have a wonderful, musical summer!

Posted in General

Burlington Music Department Receives National Recognition

Recently, the Burlington Music Department was rated as one of the top Music Education programs in the state of Massachusetts by NAMM, the National Association of Music Merchants.  As result of this rating, Governor Deval Patrick issued the Burlington Music Department an official commendation from the state.  NAMM also asked the department to submit a video highlighting the best parts of our program, in one minute or less.  BHS student Pranav Menon’s video entry won this national contest.  Thank you for supporting music in Burlington!  Watch the video below: